This article was originally published on JewSchool and reposted here with the author’s permission. Jewish Fear Jewish fear is that buzzing feeling in our bones that won’t let us sleep at night because we don’t know when it will come next. Jewish fear is American Neo-Nazis chanting “Blood and Soil” on American soil. In living…

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For bisexual people, representations of our identity in the pop culture world seem to fall into one of two categories. The first is absolute erasure: We encounter TV shows, movies, news reports, songs, trends, books, and essays that refuse to acknowledge the existence or validity of bisexuality in any way. On the other hand, the recent…

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Make no mistake: I was not always a bathing suit enthusiast! But this year, I bought my very own fatkini in week one of beach season. “Holy lemon bars, what is a fatkini, Virgie?” you may be asking. It’s a trendy moniker for a two-piece bathing suit for fat girls – often involving high-waisted bottoms. If you haven’t heard of the fatkini phenomenon, ghurl, you’ve got to get on this trend.

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I like my body! I may even love my body! More days than not, I look at my reflection and smile with gratitude. And this is a huge deal – because for the majority of my life, I wanted to crawl out of my own skin. It was a long and complicated process that has taken me nearly two years of hard work, but here are some of the major factors that led me to where I am today.

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Most of us have survived a trauma but as a society, we’re more often at a loss when it comes to learning how to heal from it. Most of us don’t want to lead our lives with trauma-related feelings of fear, mistrust, and isolation. So what’s the alternative? Love – the simple act of relating to another human and telling a trustworthy person about our experiences can be curative.

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Why do we diet? The truth is people diet for various reasons. You can have a healthy diet out of fear or love. This is something that both larger and smaller people can do since just because someone is thinner doesn’t mean they’re necessarily healthy. Allow me to explain.

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