[Doctor in a white gown looking down and smiling at a patient.]

Invalidating responses to male pregnancy are common, which can lead trans men to internalize the belief that it’s not acceptable to both be a man and desire pregnancy. But many of those responses are based on misconceptions and assumptions. So here are the deeper realities. With this knowledge, we can move beyond the limits of what’s “acceptable” for a man.

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Our social movements have failed to reach a transformational level of change. In part, this is due to how we don’t address our own privilege or prioritize supporting and lifting up marginalized voices to the social change table. And until we do, our work will not achieve lasting structural changes – where those being impacted are leading the fight for their own communities, supported by allies.

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I’ve talked before about the toxic culture surrounding masculinity and how it hurts men. Today, I want to start the conversation to help dismantle it. One of the best places to start is to talk about sex. Specifically: male virginity and the shame in not having sex. Let’s talk about the problems with the way we think about male virginity and how to fix them.

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Short hair, bow ties, flannel — the norm is that queer women present more masculine. And while that is a perfectly valid form of expression, the normalization of this image can lead to the erasure of queer women who don’t present this way. Check out this poem by Joy Young recalling how a femme friend of hers had to fight for visibility in the queer community.

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