Fatphobia is real, and fat acceptance activism is seriously needed. In a culture where systematic oppression against fat bodies exists, fat is absolutely a feminist issue. But in case you’re still dubious, here are five facts about our fatphobic society to serve as a guide for the disbelievers.

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Originally published on Medium and republished here with permission. More than two months after the January 21 Women’s March on Washington, I’m as ready as I’ll ever be to unpack my thoughts on the ripple effect of the march. And, although there is a litany of elucidating articles and posts on social media written on…

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Have you ever wondered where the term “women of color” came from? Have you mistakenly assumed that it was created by white people? Are you unsure about how you feel about it? Check out this awesome video where Loretta Ross gives a history lesson on how it came to be, what it really means, and why it’s so important. Let us know if you use it – and why or why not.

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When Matt and I had first started seeing each other, I often feared that he liked me only because, to him, I was a rare sight. But I put it out of my mind. I didn’t want to think about it. I realize now that our relationship didn’t fail simply because he was white and I was Asian. It failed because we had different values systems.

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