(Trigger warning: victim-blaming, sexual assault, pedophilia, transphobia, rape.) As society slowly begins to recognize the pervasive problem of sexual violence, it is important to remember that this abuse can affect anyone. People of all ages, genders, races, sizes, and sexualities have survived this kind of violence. These photos show how widespread this violence is.

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Wanna find out why “you’re so exotic” is not a compliment? Most of the comments mixed race women get don’t come from a place of malice or hatred, but a lack of understanding. And navigating a multi-racial identity can be hard enough without factors like racism and sexism. So avoid being racially sensitive by starting with Marina Watanabe’s tips on what not to say.

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I didn’t identify as a feminist when I first met my partner seven years ago. But as I became more comfortable identifying as a feminist, I began to feel wary about coming out as a feminist to one of the closest people in my life – my partner. Feminism likely changed your perception of the world and yourself, so share your new perspective. Feminism is a conversation. Don’t be afraid to start one.

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It seems like every time anti-racism activists speak up about their work, there is some level of pushback claiming that the work is “attacking white people.” But the thing is, that’s just not true. Anti-racism is not against white people. To clarify what anti-racism is really about, here are three things that the movement actually works to dismantle.

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With the repeated images of real life violence, including the Boston marathon tragedy, children’s (and adults’) emotional health are being affected. An easy response is “turn off the TV!” However, simply not allowing children to watch television is not enough to help them cope with violence. We need better approaches to help this generation of youth cope with and resist a culture of violence.

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The decision to come out and to whom is as individual as you are. It is likely that you will have to come out to those people closest to you and those you see frequently. However, being publicly out – as an activist or as anyone in the public eye – is a decision you must weigh. Here are some thoughts on when and how to come out but remember, only you know what’s right for you and your situation.

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The ideas around social capital and popularity often run alongside privilege and desirability politics. Previously, I wasn’t aware of these terms. But after a few, let’s say, “discussions” with other organizers, I’m  was made aware of the ways social capital can create hierarchies in organizing spaces. These conversations led to a few things: Some folks…

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