With the passage of the new year, most consider the holiday season to be officially over. Almost overnight, we turn our focus to self-improvement. Holidays can be a stressful time for many. The resulting strain can leave you feeling exhausted and resistant to starting your next chapter. If you’re feeling holiday burnout, here are some self-care tips for the new year.

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People who don’t know I’m a survivor of domestic violence may be shocked. I’m a strong, loud-mouthed woman and a proud feminist. How could this happen to me? And yet to my horror, it did. Domestic violence can strike any of us. If you are being abused by your intimate partner, remember that you deserve better. You deserve love and respect. We all do. (Trigger Warning)

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The discussion on street harassment is too often narrowed into a racialized narrative that harms people of color. To be more inclusive and not perpetuate racism, let’s broaden this conversation to examine all the types of people who perpetuate it, where they do it, and the diverse groups of folk who are harmed by it. Here’s some considerations to get you started.

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Why don’t we include Irish and other white cultures in discussions of race in the US? You might bring this up to argue that white people experience racism, too – but here’s Kat Blaque on what you’re missing.

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I’m concerned when superficial observations are made which in some way praise or compliment someone’s appearance. Because at the end of the day, It’s impossible to know what kind of perception someone has of their own body image. Is it really appropriate or even friendly to make random comments on someone’s body, regardless of how short, tall, fat, or thin they are?

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Generational violence is a huge normalizing factor, and challenging a youth’s parents, or at least their teachings, can be very difficult for some kids. Do I think we need to back off? No. Do I think we need to dumb it down? No. Do we need to acknowledge that violence is a foundational part of the lives of many young people? Absolutely. So how can you be a translator?

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You might ask yourself how you can be a righteous, authentic feminist, waving the flag for body-positivity, even though you’re struggling with an eating disorder. Well, as this article explains, feminism isn’t about being ashamed of yourself or your process. It’s about owning your truth and sharing it. You (and your story) are a critical part of this revolution!

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“She doesn’t make a good witness.” I will never forget those words. This was one of the first instances that made me take a serious look at my privilege as an able-bodied person. It took seeing a survivor of a violent crime being told that she would never see justice because of her disability. This is a serious problem. So how can we work to solve it?

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My maternal grandmother never referred to herself as a feminist. I’m not sure if she ever came across the term. However, throughout my childhood and into my womanhood, her words and actions have had a profound effect on how I viewed womanhood, marriage, money management, social justice, and inner peace. Here are six stories that helped to mold my feminist foundation.

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