This Is What It’s Like When Men Feel Entitled to Grab Your Body

(Content Warning: sexual violence)

“I don’t know when I became a space to be filled.”

In a disheartening example of how men can often violate women’s bodies without consequence, the US just elected a president who’s been proud to say that he grabs the genitals of women he finds attractive.

Far too many of us know how it feels to be those women – to have our bodies treated like objects to be used for other people’s power and pleasure. And too many of us know men like Donald Trump – men who feel entitled to violate our consent, and even brag about doing so.

If you’ve ever been sexually violated or assaulted, you’re not alone. In this stunning performance from CUPSI 2016, Reagan Myers captures what it’s like to live with the everyday threat of being touched or having your space invaded simply because you’re a woman or perceived to be a woman.

We wish her experiences didn’t feel so familiar. And like Reagan in The Girl Becomes Gasoline, we won’t stop fighting the cultural norms that make them so common.

With Love,
The Editors at Everyday Feminism

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Reagan is the youngest Grand Slam champion to ever come out of Nebraska, and the first woman to hold the title in six years. She’s been to two National Poetry Slams, represented the University of Nebraska-Lincoln at the College Unions Poetry Slam Invitational two years in a row, and was the Woman of the World Poetry Slam rep for 2016. You can see her work on Button Poetry. Her current job is a teaching artist with the Nebraska Writers Collective, which is the coolest job that has ever existed. Follow her on Twitter @rrrrreagan.

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