CW: Addiction, Sexual Assault, Sex… in general. This article is about sex. I have always had a negative relationship with sex. I discovered masturbating early, around six or seven years old. I would use masturbating combined with my active imagination and constant daydreaming as a way to escape the loneliness and isolation I felt not…

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Erin McKelle argues that part of the reason why people are so bad at getting consent is because they don’t know what consent looks like. So what does consent look like, and how does it work? Well, for one thing, let’s talk about the importance of enthusiasm when it comes to consent in that it shows actual interest in sex, rather than complacency.

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We live with a deep and persistent societal tolerance for the use of women’s bodies by others for their own purposes, profit, political gain and entertainment. Cameras and harassment are the tip of an iceberg of male regulation of women’s bodies and behaviors. Legislation, based on a cultural acceptance of women’s bodies as public resources, is much more pernicious.

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We often talk about how important consent is, but what, exactly, is consent? Here it is – a video from Lex Croucher covering the basics of what it means to consent to sexual activity. Rape, sexual assault, and coercion are far too common among all types of people. So spread the word, and let’s raise awareness of this clear understanding of consent. (Content Warning: Rape)

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“Forced Intimacy” is a term I have been using for years to refer to the common, daily experience of disabled people being expected to share personal parts of ourselves to survive in an ableist world. This often takes the form of being expected to share (very) personal information with able bodied people to get basic…

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Two children holding hands

Talking about consent isn’t always easy, and having these conversations with children can be even harder. Because it can seem so overwhelming, many adults shy from teaching kids about boundaries and consent in a comprehensive way. But here’s what you need to know about why it’s so important to teach consent in an ongoing process, with simple steps to follow.

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Recently, California passed the “Yes Means Yes” law, which dictates that “an affirmative, unambiguous and conscious decision” must be reached by everyone involved to engage in sexual activity. This was a huge step in the fight against rape culture! What does this decision mean in terms of our society’s view of sex and consent? Check out this video to find out!

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The “gray area” we have come to know as an inevitable part of sex is a product of our culture’s unhealthy approach to sex. But this murky confusion does not have to and should not exist. We need to talk openly about the “gray area” myth and how it plays out in order to recognize instances in which consent is being assumed where it does not exist and in order to have truly consensual sexual experiences.

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When we talk about consent, we’re usually talking about adults. But where do we think these adults learned their understanding of consent? Many parents teach their kids harmful ideas about consent without even realizing. Check out this video to see an explanation of four common parenting tactics that could be causing some very harmful behaviors in adults.

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We believe parents can start educating children about consent and empowerment as early as 1 year old and continuing into the college years. It is our sincere hope that this education can help us raise empowered young adults who have empathy for others and a clear understanding of healthy consent. There are three sections, based upon children’s ages, preschool, grade school, and teens and young adults.

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