The Phone Rang – It Was My College Rapist

Editor’s Note: At Everyday Feminism, we appreciate the story that this comic tells, as it is a common one. However, we want to note that not only “assholes” commit sexual violence, there is no way to know who might be a rapist and who might not be, and that sexual assault is never the victim or survivor’s fault, whether they watch over their drinks or not. We also want to note that although the protagonist in this story decided to take action against her assailant, that is only one choice among a myriad of other valid choices.

(Content Warning: sexual violence)

Originally published on Fusion and republished here with their permission.

This comic tells a story that’s far too familiar to far too many people. What happens when you try to bury your trauma, only to have it brought back up again by a phone call?

With Love,
The Editors at Everyday Feminism











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Jen Sorensen is the editor of Fusion’s Graphic Culture section. For more comics, follow them on Twitter @FusionComics and Facebook.

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