Are Racial Dating Preferences Racist?

Do you think saying you’re “not into” a certain race is just a matter of preference?

A lot of people do – and Kat Blaque used to be one of them. But in this episode of her True Tea series, Kat shares how she’s since come to realize how her “preferences” were actually informed by white supremacy.

Her honest reflections offer a lot to think about – like how you’ve been influenced by the beauty myths society teaches to all of us. Does this video remind you of any of your dating experiences?

With Love,
The Editors at Everyday Feminism

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Kat Blaque is a Contributing Vlogger for Everyday Feminism. She’s also a children’s illustrator and thrift store shopper. Check out Kat’s website and YouTube channel, and follow Kat on Twitter @kat_blaque. Watch her videos here!

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