Did you know that biological sex is not a binary? As many as 4% of the population are predicted to be intersex — born with reproductive or sexual anatomy that doesn’t fit neatly into the definitions of male and female. Check out this week’s video headline for an introduction into the reality of intersex conditions and how to respect intersex individuals.

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Intersex is one of the often-left out categories when the LGBTQIAP alphabet is abbreviated as LGBT. The QUIAP is often ignored completely or briefly covered, but people who have these identities are marginalized not only in society, but also often within LGBTQIAP spaces themselves! Intersex identities exist. And we need to start recognizing them.

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All youth should feel protected, safe, and happy, but far too many young people who are sexual and/or a/gender minorities do not. So how can we change that? Let’s start by understanding it. Delve into three issues that have a major impact on the mental health of LGBTQIA+ youth, and get informed with some concrete evidence on what we need to change for our youth.

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Society sure is stuck on the idea that you can determine gender from genitals – and that gender only comes in two options. And that’s frustrating! That’s why comic artist Sophie Labelle took to the Internet to remind folks to think beyond the gender binary. Check out these cute comics and share them with others who need the reminder!

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