Feminism 101 Articles

Why Saying ‘It’s My Choice’ Doesn’t Necessarily Make Your Choice Feminist

5 Simple Ways Men Can Better Respect Women

Fighting the Misconceptions of Being a Sorority Sister

How Do You Get Men to Understand That Feminism Is Important?

A person scratches their head in confusion

Men Should Be Feminists, But Should They Call Themselves Feminists?

So You Call Yourself an Ally: 10 Things All ‘Allies’ Need to Know

Doctor feeling stressed at work, sitting in a chair with their hand over their face

Not Sure What People Mean By ‘Triggering?’ This Article Is Your One-Stop 101

No, We Won’t Calm Down – Tone Policing Is Just Another Way to Protect Privilege

5 Tips for Being a Proactive Ally

7 Reasons Why Patriarchy Is Bad (And Feminism Is Good) For Men

Incredible Young Poets Get Real About Growing Up in the US

Why Trigger Warnings Matter – Your Objections Answered

On a chalkboard, people are drawn with their heads representing some major world religions: Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and Hinduism.

Why We Really Need to Stop Rejecting Religious Feminists from the Movement

Trumping: The Hilarious Makeup Tutorial That Will ‘Make Your Face Great Again’

5 Things Your Activist Friend Wants You to Stop Doing (Because You’re Wearing Us Out)

Is ‘Bitch’ an Example of Internalized Sexism?

6 Reasons Why the Liberal Disdain of Conservatives is Wrong

Thinking Critically About Problematic Media: A Basic How-To Guide

Getting Called Out: Why Acknowledging Oppression Matters More Than Your Hurt Feelings

Winona LaDuke giving a speech

These 4 Phenomenal Native Women Will Totally Make You Re-examine Your Relationship to Feminism

3 Reasons to Find a Better Term Than ‘-Phobia’ to Describe Oppression

A white tampon agains a light purple background

4 Ways to Make Your Period-Positivity More Inclusive

Can Men Be Objectified by Women?

Identifying Differently Doesn’t Invalidate Your Previous Identities — Here’s Why

Person looking unimpressed with what someone else is saying

5 Reasons People Label You a ‘Bad Feminist’ and Why They’re Total Bullsh*t

Diversity Is Not A Certificate: How to Dismantle Oppression at Your Work Place

An Open Letter to the Men Who Still Don’t Understand Street Harassment

Breaking Down the Problem with Mansplaining (And Other Forms of Privileged Explaining)

Why Apologies Are Powerful Tools for Combating Rape Culture

What You’re Really Saying When You Call Me a Bitch