The demisexual flag: White at the top and gray at the bottom with a black triangle and purple stripe

If you feel like sex is “kind of like dessert – a good thing when it happens, but not something you would actively seek out” because you need a deep emotional connection in order to experience sexual desire, it’s possible that you could be demisexual. Check out this author’s journey from confusion to asexuality to coming out as demisexual.

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Do you know what it means to be graysexual? This term includes some people who are often left out when we discuss sexual attraction. Here’s an explanation that shows why having this word matters.

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All youth should feel protected, safe, and happy, but far too many young people who are sexual and/or a/gender minorities do not. So how can we change that? Let’s start by understanding it. Delve into three issues that have a major impact on the mental health of LGBTQIA+ youth, and get informed with some concrete evidence on what we need to change for our youth.

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Some detrimental cultural ideals run so deep that no one even questions whether they might operate as support beams of status quo oppression. Let’s take the word “bitch” for example. As an exercise in identifying some potentially hibernating connotations that can perpetuate harmful gender stereotypes, here are a few common uses of the word “bitch” and their problematic subtexts.

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