I’m noticing a trend lately where we feminists really want to get dudes on board. But it’s hard to start the process of noticing the simple, seemingly mundane ways that sexism creeps into our everyday lives. So here’s a short introduction, guys. Here are five simple things you should probably stop doing if you want to show that you have respect for women.

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We must get in touch with our cultural heritage to understand our stake in ending White Supremacy through a connection to what we lost, but we also have to understand and remain accountable to the privileges that Whiteness affords us every day. In some ways, this is a complex tension to hold. Because while not all White people are bad, Whiteness surely is.

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The topic of abortion is divisive for most people. Growing up in a culture where abortion is a taboo and illegal means that we don’t develop the vocabulary needed to organize. But how we approach the issue of abortion access with members of communities where speaking openly about abortion has dire consequences is key to change. It isn’t about what you and I believe. It’s about what women need.

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As a feminist, an activist, a parent of two boys, and a sexual health educator, I struggle with how to balance my sensibilities with my parenting style. And an issue that I am very connected to is rape culture. How does a parent compete with the constant assault of stereotypes and overwhelming sex-negative messaging in the media? Here are a few suggestions.

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It’s easy to make assumptions about a family, based on what is familiar and normal. But many families don’t fit the nuclear family mold. This can mean that it’s not always immediately apparent how a particular family is structured, and this can cause some confusion and anxiety. So how do we adapt our behavior to avoid making those assumptions in the first place?

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