Illustration of a person on a bus looking scared as another person taunts them

(Content Warning: Homophobic and transphobic violence) In what ways are you unlike what people think you “ought” to be? For too many of us who are transgender, being ourselves means there’s no such thing as feeling safe. Take it from this author, who never knows if a small altercation could lead to violence. His chilling story of a bus encounter shows how hatred and bystander apathy make the world unsafe.

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One of the most obnoxious forms of ignorance that LGBTQ people face is identity policing, which often manifests as other people providing “theories” to explain your sexuality. Being queer means that people always feel entitled to an explanation — or worse, they think they know better. Let’s go through the various, ridiculous incarnations of queer identity police.

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It’s true that gender is a complex idea that means something different to every person. But this doesn’t give us much of an idea about how queer genders are experienced by people. It’s in every feminist’s best interest to listen and pay attention to trans people, so let’s explore some common ways gender is experienced by people in the trans community.

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Person in a sweatshirt with their hands up in the air, celebrating success, in the sunset

Feminism hasn’t always been inclusive, so transgender folks who are frustrated with feminism have valid reasons. But if you want to know what a positive experience for a trans feminist could be like, look no further than this article. This author shows how valuable – and life-changing – a trans-inclusive feminism can be. This is how we want our feminism to be.

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As with all other systems of oppression, rape culture is a beast with tentacles and spores across countless other facets of inequality. The following 3 things may not appear to be major components of rape culture at first glance, but undoubtedly fuel and are fueled by it. Dismantling and addressing these things must be part of our movement to end rape culture.

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I write this to speak to transgender men who love, desire, and have sex with other men (cis and trans). I write to you with a request. It is not common to discuss the homophobia that exists within our trans men and queer boi communities, especially among those of us who are of color. So brothers, please let’s talk about it now before it’s too late.

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This is the essential conflict of being queer in a small, conservative town – should you chose to live openly and unapologetically, you might be rejected by the very people and things you’ve spent a lifetime loving. But it is possible to inspire change and build community in your own neck of the woods. The world needs people who stay and I want you to know that this flighty gay is here for you.

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