It is the goal of many conservative groups to shut down access to safe abortions, and some of them have the gall to promote these efforts with the slogan “Women deserve better.” Watch renowned slam poet Sonya Renee expose the unbelievable hypocrisy of these organizations and explain what exactly women deserve: choice.

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Silhouettes of raised hands against a gradient background of teal and sea green

For too long, the feminist movement has excluded too many people. And that hurts all of us. You might have learned about how oppression is connected and why solidarity is important, so here’s the next step – how to create actual inclusivity. From someone who’s fought for her own inclusion, learn what it takes to change how we do our work for a more equitable world.

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Queer woman of color looking despondent

We’re taught that a “normal” relationship has a cisgender man and a cisgender woman. Same with a “normal” case of intimate partner violence. But reports of LGBTQIA+ intimate partner violence are on the rise. So why is LGBTQIA+ IPV so invisible? Let’s survey the scene, and get some essential guidelines for giving safe and affirming support to LGBTQIA+ IPV survivors.

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A person sitting in a waiting room has their hand on their head and their tie loosened in frustration and exhaustion

We all know the ways well-meaning white people aren’t intentionally racist, and we get it – it’s tough to feel like part of the problem. But everyone should know these ways that even the most “well-intended” white person can participate in and benefit from racism. Learn what to do after acknowledging your privilege (hint: don’t hate yourself, just be accountable).

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There are certain things people say to queer women over and over again that they just shouldn’t — and straight women do this, too. We think that women can’t oppress other women, but it’s entirely possible. And we need to talk more about it. So, here are five things straight women shouldn’t say when talking to queer women. And yes, we’ve heard them all before.

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This article was originally published on In These Times. It has been lightly edited and republished here with the author’s permission. Ever since the earth-shaking election of Donald Trump, there have been innumerable articles arguing that Democrats brought this upon themselves by losing white, working-class voters in the Midwest. These articles have been met with…

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