Saying Feminism Shouldn’t Discuss Race Doesn’t Make Any Sense — Here’s Why

Originally published on Megan Rosalarian Gedris and cross-posted here with their permission.

There is a long and troubled history of white feminists in the movement asking women of color not to focus on race. “Why do you need to divide us like that? Feminism is about all women, so we shouldn’t focus on one particular group!”

But there’s a big flaw in that logic.

Check out this comic for a wake-up call about how hypocritical it is to white-wash feminism.

White Feminism

To learn more about the importance of intersectionality in feminism, check out the following:

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Megan Rose Gedris (AKA Rosalarian) is a comic artist/writer and illustrator from Michigan. She talks a lot about sewing, mermaids, cheese, and burlesque. She sometimes perform burlesque and comedy under the name Florence of a’Labia. Follow her on Twitter @rosalarian.

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