20+ Resources to Help You Process After the Election of Donald Trump

A person sits in bed, clutching a tissue in one hand and their phone in the other, as they look down at their screen and cry.

A person sits in bed, clutching a tissue in one hand and their phone in the other, as they look down at their screen and cry.

As the US and the world are reeling from the elections, it can sometimes feel like we don’t even know where to begin. In fact, most of the staff at Everyday Feminism have taken the day off to process all the feelings coming up with the country having elected Trump.

Given that so many of us are feeling overwhelmed, scared, determined, and/or ready to take action, we wanted to provide some resources to help you hold the space for yourself and others in this moment. This will help ground you as you take action to continue fighting systemic oppression and contributing to a more inclusive, anti-oppressive world.

Remember, we resist the dehumanization of systemic oppression when we acknowledge that we have the right to exist and our feelings and pain do matter. And the most important person to acknolwedge that for you is yourself.

When we hold space for ourselves, we can also hold space for others to bring them into this conversation of what just happened and how we can start organizing. And by organizing, we mean in every level and area of society – from your family, friends, co-workers, religious institutions, to local, state, and national politics.

Trump didn’t bring out anything new in the US. He and his supporters just made it explicitly clear that the US is grounded in white supremacy and patriarchy. We will continue to make it explicitly clear that we are grounded in love and liberation for all people.

Self-Care: To Tend to Your Needs Right Now

Info on Systemic Oppression: To Better Understand What the Hell Just Happened

Tips for Conversations: To Talk to Other People About What Happened

Next Steps: To Show Trump and His Supporters We Won’t Back Down

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