Asking someone where they are from or calling them exotic is not a compliment or a sign of your curiosity. Even though it’s so normalized, it’s actually a racialized microaggression that so many people have to experience several times a day, every day. This comic cleverly demonstrates some of the ways Asian women are repeatedly exotified in their day-to-day lives.

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In general, our society is moving toward a more accepting framework, and people seem to be more interested in becoming culturally aware. But in a misguided attempt to appreciate other cultures, many socially progressive folks end up exoticizing people of different cultures. Check out this hilarious satire to see what it sounds like when the roles are reversed.

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You’ve seen the stereotype before: Asian woman falls in love with white hero and then cries when he inevitably leaves her. It’s one of the most tired tropes around Asian women in our media and, yes, even extends to Harry Potter. Check out this kickass poem by Rachel Rostad to JK Rowling on how this misrepresentation is damaging and dehumanizing and why we need to do better.

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