A group of children are silhouetted, playing a ball game against a setting sun

Non-binary kids are kids who feel that they are multiple genders, none, or some mixture thereof. As a former non-binary kid myself, this author has some thoughts about how best to parent non-binary kids. Because knowledge is power – and knowing how to wade through your child’s non-binary identity can help you be a better parent and your child be their authentic self!

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In the fall of 2013, Sasha Fleischman was set on fire on a public bus because they wore a skirt with a men’s shirt. San Francisco Magazine asked photographer Chloe Aftel to shoot a portrait of individuals who refuse to define themselves as strictly male or female. Aftel explains, “The collection is an exploration of what this movement looks like and what it means.”

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“Why isn’t one person enough?” People have a lot of questions about polyamory. In this video, polyamorous people share some answers, breaking down misconceptions and giving advice on starting and sustaining non-monogamous relationships. So if you’re a polyamorous person or you wonder what it’s like to be one, enjoy this light-hearted clip on being true to who you are.

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