Fat women are subjugated to so much insult, harassment, discrimination, abuse, and dehumanization. Sometimes, it feels as if there is no escape from fat hatred and oppression — even when it’s carefully masked as a compliment. Check out this video to learn just how problematic fatphobic pseudo-compliments, like “You have a pretty face,” are to fat women.

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Fitspiration is any message that encourages one to persevere, push, or even suffer through exercise for the sake of achieving change in one’s physical appearance. It masquerades as a healthy response to images of size-zero models that promote unhealthy weight and potentially lead to eating disorders. However, they’re doing the exact same thing – only from a different angle.

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Person in a meeting at work, looking happy

The Starbucks #RaceTogether campaign came and went faster than you could finish a latte. Can we learn anything positive from it? Let’s talk about how you can actually create cultural change around racial justice issues – by starting with your own workplace (and without talking to under-caffeinated strangers). What would you change to make a less oppressive workplace?

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